asso freeGuppY

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Topic #346 - Guppy en 2023 ?
    - by agold 07/10/2023 @ 18:31
    - 1 answer (by Phil_OGM on 29/11/2023 @ 22:29)
    - Topic read 1384 times

Topic #345 - Appel à la communauté GuppY
    - by Papinou 03/08/2021 @ 17:53
    - Answers
    - Topic read 3261 times

Topic #344 - Vote à l'AG extraordinaire - juillet 2021
    - by Papinou 19/07/2021 @ 18:26
    - 27 Last answer by JeandePeyrat on 30/07/2021 @ 10:52)
    - Topic read 3761 times

Topic #343 - Discussion Assemblée Générale extraordinaire
    - by Papinou 03/07/2021 @ 09:21
    - 37 Last answer by Hubert05 on 22/07/2021 @ 13:25)
    - Topic read 3858 times

Topic #341 - Convocation Assemblée Générale extraordinaire
    - by JeandePeyrat 19/06/2021 @ 10:48
    - 3 Last answer by JeandePeyrat on 19/07/2021 @ 10:12)
    - Topic read 1989 times

Topic #342 - Dans ce fil merci de noter votre participation
    - by JeandePeyrat 20/06/2021 @ 10:14
    - 28 Last answer by Astrid on 05/07/2021 @ 15:38)
    - Topic read 2572 times

Topic #337 - Présentation du plan d'action pour l'exercice 2020
    - by JeandePeyrat 12/03/2020 @ 16:04
    - 1 answer (by tonton_christian on 11/03/2021 @ 10:25)
    - Topic read 2327 times

Topic #340 - Don pour une asso
    - by PiBouc 30/01/2021 @ 16:34
    - Answers
    - Topic read 1587 times

Topic #339 - Meilleurs voeux !
    - by EdBracame 03/01/2021 @ 10:31
    - 1 answer (by JeandePeyrat on 04/01/2021 @ 10:05)
    - Topic read 1966 times

Topic #338 - Clôture de l'Assemblée Générale 2020 de l'asso freeGuppY.
    - by JeandePeyrat 14/03/2020 @ 09:19
    - 2 Last answer by PiBouc on 14/03/2020 @ 14:27)
    - Topic read 2550 times

Topic #334 - Résultat Elections au CA
    - by Papinou 02/03/2020 @ 09:12
    - 11 Last answer by PiBouc on 14/03/2020 @ 14:24)
    - Topic read 3236 times

Topic #333 - Rapport moral et d’activité 2019
    - by JeandePeyrat 24/02/2020 @ 11:14
    - 20 Last answer by Tendasque on 13/03/2020 @ 18:02)
    - Topic read 3316 times

Topic #332 - Bilan financier de l'exercice 2019
    - by Papinou 18/02/2020 @ 14:22
    - 21 Last answer by Schmol44 on 13/03/2020 @ 18:01)
    - Topic read 3935 times

Topic #331 - Approbation du PV de l'AG 2019
    - by Papinou 18/02/2020 @ 09:47
    - 22 Last answer by Schmol44 on 13/03/2020 @ 17:58)
    - Topic read 3092 times

Topic #329 -  Fil d'émargement dans lequel chaque participant devra signaler une fois sa présence durant l'AG
    - by Papinou 31/01/2020 @ 21:58
    - 29 Last answer by jefcasa on 12/03/2020 @ 11:47)
    - Topic read 3076 times

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